Featured Berlin Boss Babe: Amelia Bryant

Berlin Boss Babes
3 min readMar 13, 2021


Amelia on a rainy Berlin day on Schillingbrücke (loving the pink power suit!)
Amelia on a rainy Berlin day on Schillingbrücke (btw we’re raving about her pink power suit)

[December 6, 2020 — yep, we’re kinda late to publish this 😅 — interview by Tamara Rose Morales]

Hiya ladies! Last year I had the idea to interview some wonderful women from our community, so that you can get inspired and motivated on your own journey!

My personal intention for these BBB features is that we interview real and approachable women, and that you can actually get in touch with them and ask them questions 🤗

So, let’s kick off this series with the wonderful AMELIA BRYANT 💗

Where are you from? What brought you to Berlin? When did you move here and how was it to settle in?

Hello, I’m Amelia. I’m from Nottingham, UK. I lived in London before moving to Berlin two years ago. I moved because I was looking for a more relaxed life that still challenged me. For me, settling in was easy because I made nice friends here and I loved the city from day one. Don’t get me wrong, there were (and still are) days where I struggle here, but I think we all have those days and there’s no place I would rather be!

You co-founded Co-Tasker last year. What is the founding story? What were your biggest fears and limiting beliefs around founding a company and how did you overcome them?

My Co-Founder, Tarek, and I moved to Berlin under very different circumstances, however, we faced similar challenges when we moved. I’m lucky that I met Tarek when I first moved here, he helped me so much with those classic newcomer problems.

We realised that many people in Berlin don’t have family or friends here to support them, or perhaps they don’t speak enough German to get by when they have a problem. And so, we created Co-Tasker as a community platform where users could find fast and affordable help with everyday tasks from members of their local community.

You studied fashion marketing and today you run a task marketplace. If you could go back in time would you choose a different field of studies? If no, what do you like/appreciate about the path you took?

Although I’m not in the fashion industry anymore, the fashion side of my Fashion Marketing and Business Management course was something that interested me at the time and I feel that the fashion aspect helps me with my business today. I learnt a lot creating a brand that resonates with its users.

My Dad once told me to never have regrets and to always keep moving forward, and that’s something that I find really comforting. No matter what you did in the past, hopefully, you learnt something from it and that will benefit you in the future.

How has Berlin been treating you as a female entrepreneur? What were the biggest Berlin- or Germany-related challenges for you?

Wow, Berlin is a great city for female entrepreneurship. I’ve met some really awesome and inspiring female founders. There is a great community here. Everybody wants to support one another, and that energy is super motivating.

I find German bureaucracy very tricky. Sometimes I get a letter in the post and even with an online translator I still have no idea what I need to do. Lucky, we created Co-Tasker to help with tricky moments just like this!

What would you tell someone who has a business idea and doesn’t know where to start or even has a business model/product/service but doesn’t know where to find reliable and smart cofounders?

I would say “GREAT, you have an idea! That’s awesome!” finding a marketable idea can be the hardest part. Second, I would tell the person that they shouldn’t worry, just go for it. We’re lucky to live in a time where nearly all of your questions can be answered online, and if you still can’t find those answers, you can easily access people who can help you. Third, I would say “Just start!” ideas and research are great, but start making, start doing, even if it’s not great straight away, you need to start to succeed! Fourth, “Go get them, tiger”.


Find Amelia on IG and learn more about her company Co-Tasker here.



Berlin Boss Babes

Empowering women’s personal development across career, business, and money.