How to beat imposter syndrome

Berlin Boss Babes
3 min readMar 13, 2021


[March 13, 2021, post by Hella Grichi]

So grrl, when was the last time you read through a job offer and whilst going through the requirements one by one, each line added to your anxiety?

The feeling of not being enough, of being a fraud, of never deserving recognition for your work …

“I’m a fraud and there are so many people who deserve this job.”

It’s that little nagging voice of “imposter syndrome”, whispering lies to us and making us feel less confident, and instead anxious and undeserving.

Well ladies, it’s time to make it shut up because we’re worth way more than our insecurities and fears!

The fact that you’re aware of this annoying syndrome and trying to do something about it is already an important step in the right direction!

Each time we catch ourselves thinking negatively of our skills and talents, it’s important to remind ourselves that imposter syndrome is a construct of our minds, born out of past anxieties, hits to our self-confidence, and failures that do not necessarily reflect our true capabilities. These affect us, yes, but they should not be allowed to dictate how we see ourselves.

Once aware of imposter syndrome, we can actively combat the negativity by putting things into perspective and separating fact from fiction: What are the things I am really good at? And what are the skills I need to learn or improve to move my career forward?

As annoying as it is, this naughty imposter voice can help us take a step back and dive into the invaluable practice of self-reflection. That’s a chance to realize “yes, maybe I’m struggling but I’m on the path to becoming better, literally just like anybody else!”

Talking about these feelings with friends and mentors is also a way of getting rid of destructive doubts and seeing how others might be struggling as well. After all, nobody is perfect. Sharing with others who can relate to what we’re going through can help us clear the fog and see things in perspective, realizing that we are all in the same boat, and in fact pretty darn amazing.

To sum up, here are some things you can do to beat imposter syndrome:

  • Read and talk about imposter syndrome and remain conscious of how it can affect you. Remind yourself that you are more than a voice telling you you’re a fraud.
  • Once aware of it, focus on objective facts whenever thinking about your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t let the syndrome scatter your thoughts and confidence.
  • Talk about it with friends and mentors! Nobody is perfect and we all struggle with it, so set yourself free and internalize that behind every facade of perfection, there is someone working hard in silence!

Are you struggling with imposter syndrome, too? How are you dealing with it? Let us know in the comments 💘



Berlin Boss Babes

Empowering women’s personal development across career, business, and money.